Tuesday 26 November 2019

Ridiculous Reading

WALT: Do a post and make a poster to what we think and the task we have to do.
First we needed to read the information and then make a drawing and put that info on a drawing.
I quite like doing this because I was learning why I was doing my work on a drawing.

Do you like reading?


WALT: Do a report on whoever you pick from the video.
Have you ever broke a bone?

Thursday 21 November 2019


WALT: We are learning to be more creative with our prayer.
Loving God.
You fill our hearts with faith.
May  we act fairly to all people and treat them with respect. 

Through Christ our Lord Amen.
Do you pray?

Tuesday 19 November 2019


WALT: Work on our own.
We had to do 2 here is 1
Do you like maths?

Thursday 7 November 2019


WALT:Draw our own robot.
Here is a pic of mine his name is Rob rubbish operating bot his antennas are for detecting rubbish and his hands are to put it in the pink door and he eats it and he has little wheels and some brakes to stop him.
Do you like robots?

Wednesday 6 November 2019

Marvellous maths.

WALT: Complete problem solving.
 Here was my question first we needed to  work read it through then we had to figure it out my answer was Mr Adams.

Do you like maths?

Tuesday 5 November 2019


WALT: Understand Parihaka.

 Today is the anniversary of Parihaka  Here is an albatross that landed on the Maori mari.

Monday 4 November 2019

Cool Confidence!

WALT: Know what Courage is.
Here is a link to David in the lions den video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZV3eQ2PBqHE.
Are you courageous?