Wednesday 15 July 2020

Awesome acrostic poems

WALT: Do blog posts in the school holidays.
Today for my task I am doing an  acrostic poem on a poem.
Here is my image/task.
Have you ever done an acrostic poem?

Tuesday 7 July 2020

Vegetables I have never tried

WALT: Do blog postś during the school holidays.
My 5th task is writing down 10 vegetables that I have never had before I put

  1. Brussel sprouts
  2. Swedes
  3. Witloof
  4. Asparagus
  5. Bok Choy
  6. Daikon
  7. Eggplant 
  8. Horse radish
  9. Radish
  10. Tomatillo 
  11. Zucchini. 

What vegetables have you never tried? 

Awesome animal crossing

WALT: Do blog posts in the school holidays.
For my 4th task today I am crossing two animals.
I crossed a cheetah and a crocodie because the cheetah has power on the land and the crocodile has strength in the water.
Here is my slide about it.

What animals would you cross?
Why did you choose these animals?

Task 3 Day 2

WALT:For task 3 today I had to chose whether I would have fur as soft as a  Chinchilla or spikes like a Porcupine. Here is what I put I would like to have fur of a Chinchilla because I will be nice and warm in bed.
What would you rather have spikes like a Porcupine or as soft and fluffy as  a Chinchilla?

My blindfold challenge.

WALT: Do blog posts in the school holidays.
Today for my second challenge I was doing the blind food tasting.
I put my blindfold on and I was worried about what I was going to eat because it might be yuck.
Mum gave me my first item it was a dried up apricot I didn't like it.
The second item was mango I didn't like that either.
And the final was a gummy bear.
Overall I loved doing the challenge.
Have you ever done a blindfold challenge before?

Awesome animals.

WALT: Do a blog post in the school holidays.
Today for my first task I am writing down animals from A-Z you may not be able to see the picture so here is my answers.
Tasmanian Devil
X- Ray Tetra

Have you ever done something like this?

Monday 6 July 2020

My favourite animal.

WALT: Do blog post's in the school holiday's.
Today day 1 (not including the weekends)
Today I am doing a task about one of my favourite animals I chose the ring tailed Lemur.
Here is my slideshow to teach you about them.

What is your favourite animal?
Were does it come from?
What does it eat?

Thursday 2 July 2020

Wonderful writing.

WALT: Write a haiku following the correct structure.
Today in Romone we are doing haikuś.
A haiku has 3 lines.
The first line has 5 syllables the second line has 7 syllables and the third sentence has 5 syllables again.
A syllable is the sound of a word you can clap, click your fingers or just count on your fingers.
I did 5 but I am sharing 1 to you.
I did this because it is my favourite.
The giraffe is tall.
The hippo is very fat.
The lions runs fast.

Have you ever made a haiku?

Wednesday 1 July 2020

Things I appreciate

WALT: Explain gow the changes in the seasons is another sign of God´s love and presence.
Today for RE we are doing things we appreciate in nature. 
I did trees giving us oxygen and the bees pollinating the beaautiful flowers.
I got all of my images off google but put the bee on the flower using that gets rid of the background. 
Here is my DLO. 

What do you appreciate?