Wednesday 21 October 2020

One point perspective art.

 WALT: Draw one point perspective drawings. 

For Inquiry we are doing one point perspectives. 

First we had to watch a beginner video and the find our own. First I got really rage because I couldn´t do it

but after multiple trys I did it.
First we needed to draw a line in the centre of a page and then 4 lines going off the side. 
I learnt that there was a such thing. 
And that there is a possibilty for anybody to do this.

Have you ever done one of these drawings before?

Parts of speech.

 WALT: Identify the diffrnet parts of speech. 

Today for Writng we are learning about the diffrent parts of speech.

I was working with Jennah, I learnt what all of them are and what they mean.

Here  is my picture.

What do you know about parts of speech?


 WALT: Learn about the Rosary. 

Today for RE we are learning about the Rosary.

Here is Jesse , Nates and I blog post.

 What do you know about the Rosary?

Friday 16 October 2020

Kawa of care

 WALT: Learn about the Kawa of care.

Today for cybersmart we are learning about the Kawa of care. We have to label the very imporant rules to look after our chromebooks.

Here is mine and Jennahs DLO.

Wednesday 14 October 2020


 WALT: Identify the diffrent parts of 3 diffrent cultures.

Today for for Inquiry we are doing cultures here is our slideshow.

Respecting our planet.

 WALT: Take care of our planet.

Today for RE we are focusing on Steward ship, so we watched a video and we have to share 5 important points.  I am working with Trinity. Here is our DLO.

What do you think?