Friday 17 September 2021

Amazing Music

 This week for music we are looking at the hand symbols for the song do re mi from The Sound Of Music. 

Here is my slide shows showing you the words and the actions. 

Have you seen The Sound Of Music before? 

Awesome Algorithm

 WALT: Do times decimal by Algorithms.

This week for Maths we are learning how to times decimal points. 

I learnt off this video here is the link

Did you know how to do this? 

Awesome Orangutans

 We are learning about Orangutans. 

First wehad to look at informationn about Orangutans. Then you had to create a inofrgraphic on Canva about how humans have a positive impacts by having contact with Orangutans. 

Here is my inforgraphic on Orangutans. 

What do you know about Orangutans?


 For Wedensday, Thursday and Friday  writing we are learning about Antonyms, Homophones and Homograph.

A Ayntonm is a word but has an opposite meaning. 

A Homophone is a word the sounds the same but are different in meaning and have different spellings. 

A Homograph is a a word that are spelled the same but have different sounds and meanings. 

Beautiful Beatitudes

 WALT: Know what the Beatitudes are and have examples for each of them. 

For my Slide show I was working with Jennah and Eliott. 

The Beatitudes are a set of rules that Jesus created. 

Our task was to create a DLO about the 8 beatitudes and famous people who have used them in the past. 

 Here is my google slide. 

Do you know anymore examples of the Beatitudes?

Tuesday 14 September 2021

Proverbs and Adages.

 We are learning about Adages and Provebs.

I learnt what these meant by watching a video. 

An Adage is a well known Proverb and a Proverb is a statement of practical wisdom expressed in a practical way. 

Here are some examples. 

Did you know what Proverbs and Adages was? 

Super Synonms

Today for Spelling we are learning about Synonms. 
Synonms are words with the same or similar meaning. 

Here are some work that I had to complete. 

Do you knowwhat a Synonm is? 

Friday 10 September 2021


 WALT: Volume. 

In Room 9 we are learning about Volume. 

I learnt about volume watching this video. 

I hope you enjoy!

 Do you know how to figure out the Volume of a shape?