Thursday 27 May 2021

Simplifying fractions.

 WALT: This week we are looking at simplifying fractions. 

Here is our screencastify. 

Do you like fractions?

Wednesday 26 May 2021

Rhyming slideshow

 WALT: Understand parts of poetry. 

Today for Poetry we are learning about Alliteration, rhyme and Imagery. 

Here is my post explaining about the parts of language. 

What words do you know that rhymes?

Friday 21 May 2021

Pentecost mind map

 WALT: Create a DLO about Pentecost. 

Today for RE we are doing a mind map about Pentecost. 

Pentecost happens after Jesus has Ascended to heaven, and the Holy Spirit came to help him spread the word of the Lord.

Here is my DLO.

What do you know about Pentecost?


 WALT: Make a poster about Personification.

This week we are learning about personification. 

We had to get a song example our own example and an image. 

Personification is when you giving something that is not a human a human attribute. 

Here is my DLO about personification. 

Do you know know what personification is?

Wednesday 19 May 2021

How to be great commenter´s.

 WALT: Be good commenters. 

This week for Cybersmart we are being good commenters. 

You need to have positive something good the author did on there blog post.

Thoughtful is about making a connection to yourself, make it similar to you. Or remind you of anything.

Helpful what can the author do next time or add more information.

Question asking a question about what they could do next time or to answer any question they asked on there blog post. 

Here is my Canva screenshot of my work. 

Have you ever used Canva?

Tuesday 18 May 2021


 We are learning about Metaphors.

Today for Writing we are learning about Metaphors here is my DLO. 

What do you know about Metaphor's?

Friday 14 May 2021

The ascension of Jesus

 WALT: We are learning about the ascension of Jesus. 

Here is my DLO about the ascension of Jesus. 

Wednesday 12 May 2021

Public v Private information

 We are learning about private and public information.

This week for Cybersmart we are learning about private and public information.

First we watched a video and got into groups of 2.

I am with Jennah. 

Then we searched each other up on google and see what comes up.

Then we had to make a google doc about how puts more information then they should on there blogs.

Here is my DLO.

What do you know about being Cybersmart?