Friday 20 March 2020

Camp 2020

WALT: Write a recount.
Hanmer Springs Camp 2020!!!

On the 26-28 the year 7&8´s and the wonderful parents who gave up there time to put a smile on the children´s face´s went to the marvellous Hanmer Springs. Because it is part of the curriculim.

First when we got to camp we put on sunscreen and insect repellent because there were bees everywhere. Then  we got into our car and drove. We didn't know where we were going but we went up a big hill. We stopped at the top and we found out that it  was actually our 2 and a half hour walk we just drove to the top in. So we hopped back into our cars and drove to Conicil Hill. I walked quite fast up there with Jennah  when we were at the top you were allowed a biscuit. When we all got to the top we had some photos and went back down to find out that we were walking back to camp. I ran out of water so we stopped so everyone  could fill up there too. When we got there we had an ice block and got our togs on.
When we got to the pools we had a safety briefing and off we went.
I went on the hydroslide with Kade and Kaileb. Then I got in the pool with Jesse and Kade came to. Then I got out and got changed so I went back to camp and started to prepare dinner. 

The next day we got up and had breakfast and my group was going mountain biking first so we went for our safety briefing soon after that. We went for a lap around the field. Then  it was time to go down this big hill to the pump track. I went back early with Aileen, Raima and Chelo.  When I got back and Miss Holland was climbing the big tree. After that people practised for the talent show. Then we had dinner, had a round of capture the flag and went in to have dessert and we found out it was time for the talent show. The first act was by Jackson; he drank 900mls of water at once. Then a group of people did tic toc dances, Ethan did an act and Mace did jokes and I didn't do anything. My favourite was the people doing tik toks.

The next day we woke up with pots and pans  then got up for breakfast and it was time to go tree climbing. We had our safety briefing then started climbing. I went to the top in both of the trees. It was a good accomplishment. I felt very happy with myself. Now it is time for the really big one. It was about 50 metres high.  Then we went over to the field to have lunch. We put our bags in the car and headed back to school.
Overall I had a wonderful time at Hanmer Springs.

Thursday 19 March 2020

Amazing day out!

WALT: Understand New Brighton´s history.
Today we went to the  New Brighton´s library and museum.
First we went to the library, went for a play on the beach and on the play ground I went on the big swing with Gabby and Kade then we finally went to the museum to learn the history on New Brighton.

I learnt  that when  women went swimming you could only were black or blue cotton,
also that there was a big fire  and all the school children had a day off to put it out because they did not have a fire brigade. Also there was a big race track  and we produced 4 New Zealand winners.

Wednesday 18 March 2020

Visual Mihis.

WALT: Identify who you are using a visual mihi.

Over the past few weeks room 1 has been making visual mihis.

First we needed to draw in our mountains and our river.  Then we did our culture, we put down our flag and some national things that are important to us. We also added things that we like and dislike.

Next we outlined our drawings in black pastel, that took us ages. It took me hours but I had finally finished. The next step was to dye our art I did all the colours leaf, green, red, orange and yellow.

I chose  the F.R.I.E.N.D.S logo because it is one of my favourite TV shows. Cherries and pies because they are delicious and books because I like reading.

This is my final work of art. Next time I am going to put on less colours and try to not mix the colours together and do fewer pictures because it looks more cluttered and the colours are mixing together and looking horrible.

Overall I am happy with my visual mihis.