Friday 3 December 2021

Jacinda Ardern

 We are learning about people we could look up to. 

For my inspiring person I chose Jacinda Ardern because she is the current Prime Minister of New Zealand.

Who is your inspiring person? 


Thursday 11 November 2021

Fake Media!!

 WALT: Identify fake media. 

I decided to do the Auckland Sky Tower. Because most people know what it is. 

For my image I searched up the Auckland Sky Tower and then put the image of me into remove background. 

You could use this remove background tool for anything. 

It will benefit you becuase you will be able to use a range of different pictures. 

Here is my Image. 

Have you ever been to the Auckland Sky Tower? 

Friday 5 November 2021

Super Saints!

 This week we are looking at Saints.

St Francis of Assisi made decisions to save people, the animals and the Environment. 

Here are 2 of the Choices  that St Francis of Assisi, 

St Francis of Assisi abandoned a life of luxury for a life devoted to Christianity after hearing the voice of God. 

St Francis of Assisi saves a rabbit. 

One day a brother brought a rabbit who had been caught in a trap to St. Francis. The saint advised the rabbit to be more alert in the future, then released the rabbit from the trap and set it on the ground to go its way. But the rabbit hopped back up onto Saint Francis' lap, desiring to be close to the saint.

Saint Francis took the rabbit a few steps into the woods and set it down. But it followed Saint Francis back to his seat and hopped on his lap again! Finally Saint Francis asked one of his fellow friars to take the rabbit far into the woods and let it go.

Here is my slideshow. 

I hope you enjoy! 

WALT: Reaserch a Saint and use multiple sources. 

Do you know anything about St Francis of Assisi? 

Friday 17 September 2021

Amazing Music

 This week for music we are looking at the hand symbols for the song do re mi from The Sound Of Music. 

Here is my slide shows showing you the words and the actions. 

Have you seen The Sound Of Music before? 

Awesome Algorithm

 WALT: Do times decimal by Algorithms.

This week for Maths we are learning how to times decimal points. 

I learnt off this video here is the link

Did you know how to do this? 

Awesome Orangutans

 We are learning about Orangutans. 

First wehad to look at informationn about Orangutans. Then you had to create a inofrgraphic on Canva about how humans have a positive impacts by having contact with Orangutans. 

Here is my inforgraphic on Orangutans. 

What do you know about Orangutans?


 For Wedensday, Thursday and Friday  writing we are learning about Antonyms, Homophones and Homograph.

A Ayntonm is a word but has an opposite meaning. 

A Homophone is a word the sounds the same but are different in meaning and have different spellings. 

A Homograph is a a word that are spelled the same but have different sounds and meanings. 

Beautiful Beatitudes

 WALT: Know what the Beatitudes are and have examples for each of them. 

For my Slide show I was working with Jennah and Eliott. 

The Beatitudes are a set of rules that Jesus created. 

Our task was to create a DLO about the 8 beatitudes and famous people who have used them in the past. 

 Here is my google slide. 

Do you know anymore examples of the Beatitudes?

Tuesday 14 September 2021

Proverbs and Adages.

 We are learning about Adages and Provebs.

I learnt what these meant by watching a video. 

An Adage is a well known Proverb and a Proverb is a statement of practical wisdom expressed in a practical way. 

Here are some examples. 

Did you know what Proverbs and Adages was? 

Super Synonms

Today for Spelling we are learning about Synonms. 
Synonms are words with the same or similar meaning. 

Here are some work that I had to complete. 

Do you knowwhat a Synonm is? 

Friday 10 September 2021


 WALT: Volume. 

In Room 9 we are learning about Volume. 

I learnt about volume watching this video. 

I hope you enjoy!

 Do you know how to figure out the Volume of a shape? 

Tuesday 3 August 2021

Cool Compassion.

 We are learning about being Compassion or what it means to you. 

Today for RE we are learning about Compassion.  

First we watched a video about Compassion, and got inspired to create a DLO or drawing of our own and what it means to us. 

I have put someone opening the door for an elderly person, someone giving money to a less-privileged person and someone if they are asking if they are ok. 

Here is the video

And here is my drawing. 

Friday 11 June 2021

Diffrent parts of the Mass

 WALT: About the diffrent parts of the Mass. 

Today for RE we are learning about the diffrent parts of the Mass. 

First we needed to watch a video and then put at least 3 notes for each part of the Mass. Here is my DLO. 

Have you learnt anything off my DLO? 

Tuesday 8 June 2021

Fill the blanks.

 WALT: Today for Reading we are doing a fill the blank. 

Here is my fill the blank story and a image to match the story. 

Have you ever done a fill the blanks before? 

Wednesday 2 June 2021

Our commenting task.

 WALT: Be good commenters.

 This week for Cybersmart we are continuing looking at how to be good commenters. 

Today for our task we are rating our last 3 blog comments.

Our first step was we had to copy and paste our comments, then we had to put how we think the blogger would like recieving the comment. 

The second step was we had to highlight our favourite part of the comment and write a comment about it and why we think that is a good comment. 

The third step was we had to do a reflection on why I think it was good and what I can do better. 

Here is my DLO with all of the comments. 

How good are your comments?

Tuesday 1 June 2021

Bean's mind map

 WALT: Do a mind map of a video we have watched. 

Today for Reading we are doing a mind map of thev short film Beans. 

We have written down the characther, the plot, the setting, the theme and the conflict. 

Here is my DLO of my mind map. 

Have you ever done a mind map?

Thursday 27 May 2021

Simplifying fractions.

 WALT: This week we are looking at simplifying fractions. 

Here is our screencastify. 

Do you like fractions?

Wednesday 26 May 2021

Rhyming slideshow

 WALT: Understand parts of poetry. 

Today for Poetry we are learning about Alliteration, rhyme and Imagery. 

Here is my post explaining about the parts of language. 

What words do you know that rhymes?

Friday 21 May 2021

Pentecost mind map

 WALT: Create a DLO about Pentecost. 

Today for RE we are doing a mind map about Pentecost. 

Pentecost happens after Jesus has Ascended to heaven, and the Holy Spirit came to help him spread the word of the Lord.

Here is my DLO.

What do you know about Pentecost?


 WALT: Make a poster about Personification.

This week we are learning about personification. 

We had to get a song example our own example and an image. 

Personification is when you giving something that is not a human a human attribute. 

Here is my DLO about personification. 

Do you know know what personification is?

Wednesday 19 May 2021

How to be great commenter´s.

 WALT: Be good commenters. 

This week for Cybersmart we are being good commenters. 

You need to have positive something good the author did on there blog post.

Thoughtful is about making a connection to yourself, make it similar to you. Or remind you of anything.

Helpful what can the author do next time or add more information.

Question asking a question about what they could do next time or to answer any question they asked on there blog post. 

Here is my Canva screenshot of my work. 

Have you ever used Canva?

Tuesday 18 May 2021


 We are learning about Metaphors.

Today for Writing we are learning about Metaphors here is my DLO. 

What do you know about Metaphor's?

Friday 14 May 2021

The ascension of Jesus

 WALT: We are learning about the ascension of Jesus. 

Here is my DLO about the ascension of Jesus. 

Wednesday 12 May 2021

Public v Private information

 We are learning about private and public information.

This week for Cybersmart we are learning about private and public information.

First we watched a video and got into groups of 2.

I am with Jennah. 

Then we searched each other up on google and see what comes up.

Then we had to make a google doc about how puts more information then they should on there blogs.

Here is my DLO.

What do you know about being Cybersmart?

Friday 16 April 2021

Suzanne Auberts' life

This week we have been looking at Suzanne Aubert here is her story. 

Suzanne Aubert was born on the 19th of June 1835 in Lyon, France.

When Suzanne was legally allowed to come to New Zealand at the age of 25. 

When Suzanne was on her ship to New Zealand she learnt how to speak, read and write Māori.

After working intially at a boarding school for Māori girls, Suzanne Aubert left Auckland to work at the Marist Māori mission staion at Meanee in Hawkes Bay with the third order of Mary.

Suzanne became well known in nthe area after ministring to Māori and Pakeha, Catholic and non- Catholic with out compromising her own beliefs.

Tolerance and freindships became stratergies for her mission.
In 1874 Suzanne was pinning her hopes for revival of the Māori mission on the new Bishop of Wellington, Bishop Redwood, who was to become her life long supporter.

On Christmas day 1885, Bishop Redwood blessed St Josephs church. When it burned down three years later, Suzanne set off on a collecting tour of New Zealand, returning in 1893 with $1000 enough to buy a new church and convent.

During her tour, Suzanne had become acutely aware of the challenges faced by poor and unmarried mothers and there babies. She took 74 of there babies and children into their care but Hiruhārama was too isolated from medical services. So Suzanne set her sights on Wellington, arriving unannounced in the city in in 1899 with two sisters.

The sisters immediatly started work with Wellington suffering and destitute planning a much needed home.

They set up a soup kitch and creche for children and working parents.

Land was bought in Island Bay and in 1907, the Our Lady's Home of Compassion was opened.

Suzanne was travelling to Rome at the age of 78 to present her case to the Pope.
More then 4 years later, Pope Benedict XV granted the Decree of Praise to the Daughters of Our Lady of Compassion.
In early 1920 a frail but triumphant Suzanne returned home to the Bay of Islands.

On October 1st at the age of 91 Suzanne Aubert dies, in the presence of the Sisters.
As the word spread of her death, the crowd gathered to pay their respect.

Wellington's streets and roofs were filled with people silently watching the hearse pass by.
She is now buried in the Karori Cemetry.

What do you know about Suzanne Aubert?

My Music Learning!


This Term for Music we are learning about rythms, beats and notes. 

I learnt about the notes and rythms. I have never learnt about music before and I am really starting to enjoy it.  

For our learning about rythmes we started clapping the rythmes by picking what order you want to put the animals in. The animals are horse, chicken or catipellar. How ever many syllables that is how many times you clap. 

Here is my example:   

A big thank you to our amazing music teacher Ms Moore.  

Do you know how to play an instrument? 

Wednesday 7 April 2021

The Last Supper

 WALT: Write a recount about your chosen Bible story. 
The Last Supper. 
The Last Supper is when Jesus and his 12 disciples gather to have the Last Supper that Jesus will have. The Last Supper happened on Holy Thursday the night before Jesus died on the cross. He knew he was going to die in the next few days so he spent some time with his disciples. 
I think the positive parts of the story are that he could spend more time with his disciples before he died and he could serve them and teach them about being a good leader and serving for others. 
I think the negative part of the story is that Jesus was soon going to die and it was his last meal with his Disciples. 
If I had to have my last supper I would have a mince and cheese pie with a hawiian BK chicken burger with a big bottle of orange Fanta. 
When I read this story I feel happy and sad that Jesus loved us enough to die on the cross to forgive our sins.  
During the meal Jesus took the bread and broke and said take this and eat it this is my body that has been broken for you, this is my blood and with it God makes his people will have their sins forgiven.  After that they sung a hymn and went to the Mount of Olives. 

Monday 22 March 2021

Our surfing adventure

WALT: Write to recount a memorable experience or moment. 

Yesterday on the 17th of March the year 7 and 8s went to the New Brighton beach to learn how to surf.
First when we arrived at the New Brighton beach the instructors greet us, and had a surf chat. We talked about the way the wind was blowing it was blowing onshore we also talked about the rip currents and to stay away from the peir. 
Then  it was time to get in the water I got out to waist deep, and I rode my first wave and fell off. 
On the second wave I caught I stood up and then fell off again. 
On then when I went out to see my good friend Tallulah and we agreed that we would surf a wave together so a big wave came so we were going to ride it. 
I was on the back of my  surfboard and the wave was way to big and my good friend Charlotte kept yelling (Arnaika Arnaika its going to go over you. ) The wave went straight over my head and I was trying to get back up and the surfboard was on top of my head so I couldnt get back up. 
I got out of the water and I was furios. 
Afterall I did not enjoy surfing. 

Have you ever been surfing? 

Monday 15 March 2021

Our Symphony Orchestra trip.

 Last week on Thursday, our senior syndicate when to the New Zealnad Symphony Orchestra in the town hall. When went there in the bus at 10:30 and got back at 1:00. We went there because we wanted to listen to there amazing music. 

I enjoyed learning the diffrent names of the instruments, and hearing the high and low sounds they made. 

I think the most interesting sound was the trombone because it made an interesting sound. 

If I could play 1 of those many instruments there it would the timpani because it looks like a fun instrument. 

I felt very sleepy when I watched the Orchestra finished. 

Have you ever watched the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra? 

Wednesday 10 March 2021

Comic strips of how to blog.

 WALT: To explain a purpose of a blog. 

Today for Cybersmart we are doing comicstrips of how to blog. First we had to create a speech bubble and then we wrote the instructions of how to create a blog. I got my characthers from flaticon.

Here is my DLO of how to blog, Jennahs blog  and Tallulahs blog did this with me.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Have you ever used flaticon?                                

Wednesday 24 February 2021

How to be Cybersmart.


Today for Cybersmart we are creating a poster about being Cybersmart. 

I put down four diffrent rules, right space right place, dont eat or drink around your Chromebook, hug and hold your Chromebook and leave your Chromebook on a table if you are not using it. 

Do you know how to be Cybersmart?