Monday 23 December 2019


WALT: Do a blog post on what charity you want to make information about.
The charity I chose was the SPCA  they protect over 40,000 animal sick,injured,abused or abondoned.
You can adopt many animals like kittens.


And ducks chickens, dogs,horses and many more.

Do you like animals?

 injured injured

Thursday 19 December 2019

What to take on an ocean voyage.

WALT: Do post on our blog in the holidays.
My first activity was posting a blog post on what 10 foods I would we take on the ocean voyage.
1.  Tuna
2.Pasta Salad
3. Water
5. Dried fruit
6. Energy bars
7. Roast Potatoes
8.Steak and Chesse pie.
9. Mandarins
10. Pork.
Do you like sailing and why?

Monday 9 December 2019


WALT: Do a post on our learning.

Do you like maths?

Tuesday 3 December 2019

Spiritual Inquiry.

WALT: Build our spiritual health.

There are 236 episodes of this sitcom.

Tuesday 26 November 2019

Ridiculous Reading

WALT: Do a post and make a poster to what we think and the task we have to do.
First we needed to read the information and then make a drawing and put that info on a drawing.
I quite like doing this because I was learning why I was doing my work on a drawing.

Do you like reading?


WALT: Do a report on whoever you pick from the video.
Have you ever broke a bone?

Thursday 21 November 2019


WALT: We are learning to be more creative with our prayer.
Loving God.
You fill our hearts with faith.
May  we act fairly to all people and treat them with respect. 

Through Christ our Lord Amen.
Do you pray?

Tuesday 19 November 2019


WALT: Work on our own.
We had to do 2 here is 1
Do you like maths?

Thursday 7 November 2019


WALT:Draw our own robot.
Here is a pic of mine his name is Rob rubbish operating bot his antennas are for detecting rubbish and his hands are to put it in the pink door and he eats it and he has little wheels and some brakes to stop him.
Do you like robots?

Wednesday 6 November 2019

Marvellous maths.

WALT: Complete problem solving.
 Here was my question first we needed to  work read it through then we had to figure it out my answer was Mr Adams.

Do you like maths?

Tuesday 5 November 2019


WALT: Understand Parihaka.

 Today is the anniversary of Parihaka  Here is an albatross that landed on the Maori mari.

Monday 4 November 2019

Cool Confidence!

WALT: Know what Courage is.
Here is a link to David in the lions den video.
Are you courageous?

Wednesday 30 October 2019


WALT: Be Loving.

Who do you love?

Wednesday 23 October 2019

Cybersmart activity 3

WALT: Understand different parts of  Cybersmart.
For activity 3  I did  how to hold  a computer. 
Here is a image 
 How do you hold your computer

Cool Cybersmart

WALT: Understand different parts of  Cybersmart.

Welcome to CyberSmart: The Game. Remember, being CyberSmart means making good decisions when online or learning with your device.
We had 3 tasks that we had to post on our blog.
For my first activity we had  to change your appearance  here is my beginning picture
                                                                                              and here is my ending photo.                   

Have you ever been on Pixlr Editor?

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Holy oils

WALT: Do some research on the special things in a church and do a blog post about.
I chose holy oils you cant usually see but you will see them at baptism.
Here is a picture of them.
Have you ever been baptised?

Wonderful Wall-e

WALT: Use our knowledge on Wall-e and complete a task I did one about drawing  a robot.
It was really hard because I  don't really like drawing.
Here is my design.
Have you seen the movie Wall-e?

Friday 18 October 2019

The Environment

WALT: Do the Wall-e tasks and post them on your blog.
The environment  in my school is clean and we have a worm bin so we can reduce our waste.
The  in environment at my house is very clean.
What is your home environment like?

Brain Break

WALT: Do a poster of Brain Break.

What is your favourite fruit? 


WALT: Use our knowledge and research skills to find out about the rosary.

What mysteries  do you know?

Awesome acronyms.

WALT: Make your name into a funny acronym.
My name is Arnaika,
Awesome ridiculous nice awkward intelligent kind amazing
What is a acronym?

Friday 4 October 2019

New Zealand.

WALT:Use our blog not in school time.
I think tourists should come to New Zealand is in Summer (Christmas)  because its nice warm weather to go to the beach have a BBQ for dinner and a pavlova with juicy strawberries and kiwi fruit. After Christmas you could go over to the gondola and Lyttelton
 and go to Diamond harbour.
What would you do if you came to New Zealand?

Friday 27 September 2019

Silly Swimming.

WALT:Do recounts about swimming.


It was this week, the dreadfulness had started.
When we got there we did the sheet of math Mr Gray gave us and then we had to get changed and get  in the pool. I didn't want to get in the big pool so I got in the small pool.
The day had come we had to jump off the boat it was horrible I was so nervous but Mr Gray came into the pool with us then we went to the other end of end of the pool Then we went to the bus and came back to school. My favourite part of the pool is leaving in the bus. 
Do you like swimming?

Tuesday 24 September 2019

Marvellous maths

WALT:Use our maths  skills and teach others with our skills.
I like making DLO it is fun. Because it uses creativity.
What maths do you know how to do?

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Marvellous Maths.

WALT: Use screencastify  to use for our fact of the day.
What number can you make up?

Friday 13 September 2019

Thank you Stella!

We are learning  that  we can be anything we want.
Today Stella the Duffy role model. Came in and she was talking to us about  how she did not know how to read until she was 11 years old. When she knew how to read a book about birds native to New Zealand. I learnt that there are 1 million rodents in the New Zealand forest.

I am very thankful for Duffy who have provided books for children in schools.

Thursday 12 September 2019

Flag designs!

WALT: Design our own flag.

 What sport do you play?

The prowling cat.

WALT: Describe animals/pets
 Do you have any pets.

Wednesday 11 September 2019


WALT: Give each other directions threw the school.
What directions do you know?

Te Reo Maori

WALT: Research and recall our common knowledge for Maori language week.
What Maori words do you know?

Tuesday 10 September 2019

Fun games.

WALT: Tell others how to play literacy games.

     What games do you play?

Resistible respect.

WALT: Use the virtue of respect.
 How can you be respectful?

Friday 6 September 2019

Our suspicious award.

We are learning that making good choices are good.
Here is my reflection about  the middle slot of having fun and making huts now I get if you make good choices you get rewards. I found it hard to make the hut and making it stay there. I enjoyed bringing toys to school. I like making huts it uses my imagination.

Today room 3 had a reward because we filled up our marble jar it was bring a blanket and a toy I bought three blankets for me and my friends Jackson we were aloud to make a hutt while the others were playing with devices we took a while trying to get it perfect. I felt really happy because I was having fun because I was making a friends slideshow in my hutt we were lying down while listening to music it was really fun. My next steps are having another reward. And Mr Gray let us do it when we were having lunch.  Next time I will bring more blanket. So we missed some school time.

What rewards do you get?

Thursday 5 September 2019

Silly spelling

WALT: Practise our spelling words.
What words do you have?

Kiwiana art

 WALT: Identify things that are Kiwiana. We used bold colours to fill quadronts.

Monday 2 September 2019

It is good to be Just.

WALT: Identify ways we practise being just.
How can you be Just?

Friday 30 August 2019

The Liturgical calendar.

WALT: Make a DLO on are knowledge on the Liturgical calendar.
What do you know about the Liturgical calendar.

Wednesday 28 August 2019

The amazing logo idea.

WALT: Design a logo for our cluster Te Ara Tuhura.
My idea for this logo is that each school has a blossom on the tree. We are working together as we all grow in our life.

What logo would you make?

The funky library!

 WALT: Encourage people to go to the library.

Have you been to the library?

Friday 23 August 2019

The liturgaical calendar.

WALT: Recall our knowledge on the Liturgical calendar.
 What do you know about the liturgical calendar?

Monday 19 August 2019

Thursday 15 August 2019

Mary Mother of God

WALT Make a DLO about the Assumption
Did you know this  Assumption?

Friday 9 August 2019

Feeling Inside out?

WALT: Describe our emotions with words and pictures.

When do you feel joy?

Friday 2 August 2019

My logo ivention

WALT: learn about self-awareness

Are you Self awareness

RE Were we can pray

WALT: Describe places we can pray.

Where do you pray?

Polar at the museum!

WALT; Animal adaptions.
Have you been to the Canterbury museum?

Wild animals!

WALT:Identify adaptions animals have made to succeed in there habitat.
Here is my Giraffe slide hope you like it.

Do you like Giraffes?

Monday 29 July 2019

Our day in Riccarton

WALT: Hook my audience in with a catchy start.
Day in Riccarton.

It was a cold Christchurch morning and I got woken by a beast. A ginger hairy beast. I got up, it was my cat. I got up and got dressed then we left. By the time Mum, Kalem and Keeva got dressed it was lunchtime. We went over to $2 rice but it was closed for repairs. So went to McDonalds I got a chicken, Kalem had a Big mac so did Mum. Then we walked to Timezone and got $20 put on our cards I went straight to deal or no deal. I got 50 tickets. After that went to the front desk they said I have 572 tickets I have been saving for ages. Then I bought some lollies then we went home and ate them.

Have you been to timezone? 

Friday 26 July 2019

Our feelings

 WALT: Our Feelings Today we where learning about feelings we all got assigined a letter I got E
Do you feel ecxited?

Arnaikas teaching you math

I will teach you some math.
Do you understand this?

Wednesday 17 July 2019

Fun facts about New Zealand.

Here is 3 facts about New Zealand.

The largest city in New Zealand is Auckland although its capital city is Wellington.

30% of the country is forest.

The Maori name of New Zealand is Aotearoa which means the land of the long white cloud.

Do you know any facts.

Tuesday 16 July 2019

How to be safe online

How to be safe online.
 How safe are you online?

Monday 15 July 2019

Crazy beasts.

THis is a Cadoodle
This is a  Cadoodle it smells like watermelon.
It is soft like candy floss .
Sounds like HEEEEE.
Do you have a crazy beasts?

Friday 12 July 2019

My favourite food.

Steak and Cheese pie with tomato sauce is my favourite food.
Here is a recipe.

Heat oil in a large saucepan and sauce  onion, garlic, herbs and meat until browned.
Whisk together beef stock, Worcestershire sauce, tomato paste and cornflour. Add to the browned meat and simmer gently for 45 minutes to 1 hour, until the meat is tender and the sauce is reduced. Season to taste and set aside to cool.
Preheat oven to 190°C. Line 4 individual pie tins or 1 large family pie dish with the pastry sheets, trimming to fit neatly. Cut 4 pastry lids or one large lid and set aside.
Fill the dishes with the cooled meat and add a generous layer of Mainland Smoked Cheese.
Brush inside edges of pies with egg wash. Place the remaining pastry on top and pinch or crimp the sides to seal. Brush the tops with egg wash and sprinkle with freshly ground black pepper.
Bake pies for 35-40 minutes or until the pastry is golden and puffed.
Serve with greens and your favourite relish.
What is your favourite food?

Thursday 11 July 2019

My home town.

My home town.
The country of New Zealand is made up of two main islands – the North Island and the South Island.
 Approximately 77% of the New Zealand population live in the North Island but I don't I live in Christchurch a very big city it is always cold covered with cold beach's, great  museum's parks, salt hot pool's there is a big library named Turanga, and a beautiful hagely park.
That is why I am proud to cool Christchurch my home town.
What are some fun facts from your hometown?

Tuesday 9 July 2019

Saving a beautiful animal

Saving the Tigers
The WWF foundation is saving the Tigers.
They raise money to stop poachers and keep them protected.
They number of tigers are increasing to  3,890, they are keeping them safe.
Do you like tigers?

Monday 8 July 2019

New Zealand sport uniform

Black Ferns

Black Ferns 7


Silver Ferns.


My favourite is the netball uniform because it represents our country. Do you like playing sports?

Friday 5 July 2019

Reading the titanic

Reading Titanic
Today thanks to government book week we all got one free book,
I got the Titanic young  survivors.
Do you like reading?

Thursday 4 July 2019

Dancing like the stars.

On the second of  July the year 6’s did Dancing like the stars, we did the Salsa  at the Isaac theatre royal in front of thousands of people it was very scary Arron the M.C called New Brighton Catholic our stomach dropped time to perform the lights where very bright and blurry. Otherwise it was  very fun.
Big thanks to Miss Holland and Donna the Salsa teacher for Latin fire dance academy.
Can you dance.

Monday 1 July 2019

Using the virtues
That was my self aware.

How can you be respectful?

Friday 28 June 2019

Arnaika in 80 years

Betty Froggy pants.

Betty Froggy pants is  an 80 year old woman. She has boiled lollies in
her pocket. She offers them  to  children  as they walked past her. She has one dog and one
cat, she puts them in an old pushchair. She also eats weird stuff like raw potatoes because her dog eats the skin so she can eat the inside. She also has a really long nose and hair like.

Friday 21 June 2019

Ultimate attack

Today the nets played netball the game went well but we lost. I found the defence hard. Next week  I am looking forward  to  have good defence from the nets. Next week we could work on shooting.
Can you shoot hoops.

Friday 14 June 2019

Confession of centre.

Confession of centre
On Friday the year ⅚ netball team played Queens park 2 I didn't want to play but I was a good game because we all used teamwork. They were very good defenders so it was a challenge.  Next week I'm excited because we have a strong team. This is a team that I got a image of the internet from
 Our team needs to spread out a bit more. Do you like playing netball?

Persuasive writing about Jacinda Ardern

Jacinda Ardern
 I am here today to tell you that Jacinda Ardern should be on the 10 dollar note.  I think Jacinda Ardern needs to have the credit for being the best prime minister.
She is a great in a crisis on March 15.
   She has also done a lot for New Zealand she is helping the teacher ́s with there strike to give them more money.
She is a good role model for the children  by caring for others. Before she was prime minister she paid for someone ́s groceries.

She doesn't give up even when things get tough and she travels all around the world for us.
That's why I  think Jacinda Ardern should be on the 10 dollar note.

Wednesday 12 June 2019

Being respectful in the classroom

WALT: Show Respect in the class room
 Make eye contact when saying good morning

Say good morning to people

Open the door for people

Be quiet when others are talking

Look at the person that is talking

If someone else is talking keep your mouth shut while others are talking

Talk quietly in the classroom

Walk in the classroom

How do you show Respect

Wednesday 5 June 2019

This is our cycle safe certificate

WALT celebrating our learning on the blog.  Last term we completed cycle safety here is my certificate.  Do you like cycling

Friday 31 May 2019

What I am proud of

This week we were being proud I am proud of