Monday 14 December 2020


For Art today we are creating a reindeer or an elf I chose to do a reindeer for this we needed to make our own image on our chromebook of it. 

Here is my reindeer traits and why Santa should hire it. 

Friday 4 December 2020


 WALT: Identify what we like. 

This week for writing we have been making flags about what we like I made a flag with McDonalds because I love eating McDonalds. 

I put down Shortland Street because it is my favourite TV show, and I put down Friends because it is my second favourite TV show. I also put down a dog because I love dogs adn I reallly want one here is my flag.

What do you like? 

Thursday 3 December 2020

Learning about hope.

We are learning about hope. 

This week Room 1 is learning about hope because it is the first week of Advent.

We need to find a quote and make a poster here is my poster.

 It is ok to be disapponted by you must  never lose hope. 

Friday 20 November 2020

Year 7/8 sailing trip

 We are learning how to sail.

Yesterday the year 7/8s went sailing.

First when  we arrived Kerry met us at our bus and took us over to meet Neil and Laurrie. 

Neil started to teach us how to put the boat together and get into groups of 3. 

I went with Gabby and Jennah. We got our bits for our boat and put it together, so we did. After we built the boats we started practising staring and controling the sail. Soon after that we had our morning tea and got changed into our wetsuits if you had one. 

Next it was time to get into the water, the water was very warm first up it was Jennah I was getting quite nervous because I didnt want to get wet. 

And I didnt, but the day wasnt over it was only lunch time Neil said now you are going to go 2 people in a boat ao first up I went with Jennah and I broke the Tilller but it popped back on.

Then we had to go back to school. 

I had a great day sailing yesterday and I cant wait to go next year.

Here is my labels of the part of the boat. 

Have you ever been sailing?

Wednesday 18 November 2020

Year 7/8 tough run.

We are learning to give things a try. 
Today the year 7/8s did the tough run. 
I enjoyed running threw the water although it was freezing and went up pus my waist.
There was heaps of schools I was very suprised.
There were alot of fun obstacles and a big fire hose waiting for us at the end. 
Some people from our class got interviewed by 1 news. 
The event was at South New Brighton domain. 
I had a great day at the tough run. 
Have you ever done a tough run?

Monday 9 November 2020

Planting and reusing bottles.

 WALT: Show a way we can show Stewardship.

We should be sustainable because we need to care for the Earth because it dosent have unlimited resources. 

We have shown sustainability because we are reusing bottles and growing plants.

We should help our enviroment because we need to protect animals because there are15,000 animal species are nearly going ecxtinct.  People are cutting down the trees.

People are killing rhinos just for there horn.

My process of making my pot plant is, first cutting my bottle to the size I want, second make a plan of what I want to paint on my bottle, after that you painted it I wanted to do a minion but that did not work. 

Once you painted it you potted it and pick your flower I did the cornflower polkadot mixed.

They look like very pretty flowers. Now I just need to take care of it and water it.

Here is my plant. 

What is your favourite flower? 


WALT: Learn First aid. 
Today for first aid we learnt the acronym of DRSABCD.
D Danger look for danger for 5 seconds.
R Response see if they can respond. 
S Send for help and call 111. 
A Airway see if there tounge is blocking there airway. 
B Breathing see if they ae breathing check for 10 seconds.
C Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation. For CPR you push down on there heart and pump blood threw there body, and get oxygen to there brain. To do the right thing with your hand you link your hands and your knuckles together.
D Defib AED When the patient gets a shock to start there heart back up. 

I practised doing the DRSABCD on my buddy. 
I also tried doing CPR on a manikin it was very hard. 
You dont do it to a real person because you could stop there heart from pumping. 

We also practised doing bandages on other people. 

I really enjoyed learning about First aid.

Do you know the DRSABCD?

Wednesday 21 October 2020

One point perspective art.

 WALT: Draw one point perspective drawings. 

For Inquiry we are doing one point perspectives. 

First we had to watch a beginner video and the find our own. First I got really rage because I couldn´t do it

but after multiple trys I did it.
First we needed to draw a line in the centre of a page and then 4 lines going off the side. 
I learnt that there was a such thing. 
And that there is a possibilty for anybody to do this.

Have you ever done one of these drawings before?

Parts of speech.

 WALT: Identify the diffrnet parts of speech. 

Today for Writng we are learning about the diffrent parts of speech.

I was working with Jennah, I learnt what all of them are and what they mean.

Here  is my picture.

What do you know about parts of speech?


 WALT: Learn about the Rosary. 

Today for RE we are learning about the Rosary.

Here is Jesse , Nates and I blog post.

 What do you know about the Rosary?

Friday 16 October 2020

Kawa of care

 WALT: Learn about the Kawa of care.

Today for cybersmart we are learning about the Kawa of care. We have to label the very imporant rules to look after our chromebooks.

Here is mine and Jennahs DLO.

Wednesday 14 October 2020


 WALT: Identify the diffrent parts of 3 diffrent cultures.

Today for for Inquiry we are doing cultures here is our slideshow.

Respecting our planet.

 WALT: Take care of our planet.

Today for RE we are focusing on Steward ship, so we watched a video and we have to share 5 important points.  I am working with Trinity. Here is our DLO.

What do you think?

Friday 25 September 2020

Room 1´s cool Volcano experement.

 WALT: See the reaction between baking soda and vinegar.

Today for Science we are erupting them, first we needed to paper mache our volcano shape on our water bottles, Secondley you could paint it but I didn´t. The only reason it erupted is because the vinegar is and acid and the baking soda is a base so when ever they are put together there becomes a eruption.

It didnt really explode for me but liquid did come out, Next time for a bigger explosion I will put in more baking soda.

Here is the photo of my volcano.

Have you ever done this cool experement before?

Thursday 24 September 2020


 WALT: Reearch about Volcanos.

Today for Science we are reseacrhing and finding out how a volcano erupts.

Here is my google drawing.

Friday 18 September 2020

Maori questions.

 WALT: Learn Maori greetings. 

Today for Maori we are doing questions.

How much can you answer.

Maori colors

 WALT: Learn the colors in Maori.

Today for Maori we are doing colors here is Max and my slideshow about it.

What colors do you know?


 WALT: Create a blog post on Maori greetings.

Yesterday for Maori we are doing diffrent greetings here is my slideshow.

Thursday 17 September 2020


 WALT: Trial  another tool. 

Today for the morning we are trialing a new tool, I chose Canva Canva is a great tool with layouts and borders for when you need to make something.

Here is something you could make.

Positive  I liked how they got children to explain it from there point of view.

Minus I think next time they could make sure everyone is at the same step not rushing off.

Interesting I liked how they explained it and took it step by step even if they were 3 steps in front.

Overall I liked exploring and learning about Canva.

Tuesday 15 September 2020

Maori days of the week

WALT: Say the Maori days of the week.
Today for Maori we are doing days of the week here is my slide.

Ko te aha tenei ra? means what is the day.

Friday 11 September 2020

Book Characther day

 Today at school we are dressing up as book characthers.

 I didnt dress up but I wore mufti if I was going to dress up as Nanny McPhee.

Here is me 

Who would you dress up as?

Wednesday 9 September 2020

Awesome Anne Frank

 WALT: Find the main idea across multiple texts. 

Today for reading we were watching a video about Anne Frank Jesse and I worked together here is our Characther Anyalise here is a link to Jesses blog.

What do you know about Anne Frank?

Monday 7 September 2020

Fun fractions

 WALT: Find equivalent fractions in order to simplify problems add and subtract like and unlike fractions. 

Today for Maths we are learning about equivalenting fractions here is my slideshow.

What do you know about fractions?

Anne Frank questions.

 WALT: Find the main idea in multiple texts.

1. What was Anne Frank’s full name? Annelies Marie Frank.

2. Why did the Franks leave Germany when Anne was four? Where did they go? Because the nazis had taking control in germany so they moved to amsterdam in the nearby netherlands 

3.  List two persecutions faced by the Franks and other Jews living under the Nazi regime. They had to desperate.

4. Why did the Franks fail to immigrate to the United States?  Their wear to many people wear trying to escape the nazis 

5. Name two ways in which the Franks prepared for their entry into the hideout.

 They put a book bookcase in front of the hide out.  he gave his money to non-jewish 

6. List three difficulties Anne and her family encountered while living in the secret annexe. Running out of food, people finding them, they had to use different names for school and tests.

7. List two things you’ve learned about Anne’s diary from the article. That she was stuck behind a bookshelf and that she wanted to be a journalist when she is older.

8. How long had the Franks been in hiding when they were discovered? 2 years

9. What happened to Peter van Pels after the group’s arrest? After the arrest, Peter and the others were sent to the Westerbork transit camp.

10. Why did Otto Frank decide to publish Anne’s diary? He wanted to make his daughters wish come true about being a journalist.

What do you know about Anne Frank.

Thursday 3 September 2020

The 7 Sacraments

 WALT: Remember our knowledge on Sacraments.

Today for RE we are learning about sacraments and put the correct symbol and bible refrence here is my DLO.

Do you know the 7 Sacraments?

Wednesday 2 September 2020

Information reports.

 WALT: Identify the language features on ainformation report.

Today for writing we are doing information reports, about topics in writing. 

I chose headings, glossary, labels  and title. 

Here is my googlee drawing.

I hope you like it. Make sure you live a pth comment.

Have you ever made an information report?

Respect Godś creations.

 WALT: identify how we show respect to others, ourselves, animals and the environment. 

Today for RE we are doing how we can respect the  enviroment, each other, ourselves and animals.

So first we needed to think about how we can respect these things. 

I can respect animals by trying and get them out of cages, I can respect the enviroment by putting things in the recycling bin.

I can respect each other by picking them up if they are down. 

Finally we can respect ourselves by eating healthy foods, here are my images.

Me picking someone up.

Me getting a lion out of a cage, and eating healthy food.

Me recycling.

Do you do any of these things?

Wednesday 26 August 2020


 WALT: Find a marble chain reaction.

Today for Inquiry we are  learning about marbles we have to create a game, here are my game I created with instructions. 

You need to pick up your ball and roll it in the circle you need to roll it hard to get the jackpot but if you roll it to hard it will unwind and you will get less points.

Have you ever created a marble game before?

Wednesday 19 August 2020

Trying new Cybersmart tools.

 WALT: Understand and try new Cybersmart tool. 

Today for Cybersmart we are looking at new tools I chose brush ninja, 

I drew a picture here it is.

First I needed to get on brush ninja then I started doing my ocean, 

Then I started to do the bottom of my boat then I did the middle bit, 

And then I did the top and the bottom windows.

Monday 17 August 2020


 WALT: Learn about the Mammals of the rainforest. 

For Reading today we are doing Mammals  of the Rainforest, I chose 5 facts and here they are with 5 pictures of 5 Mammals.

What do you know about Mammals?

Thursday 13 August 2020

Making zoo´s

 WALT:Design a zoo using our knowledge of area and perimeter. 

For Maths this week we are creating a zoo using area and perimeter first we needed to choose our animals and find the area and put it on our blueprint. 

Then we neede to find the perimeter and color it in on our zoo here are my animals if you can´t quite see it in my picture. 

- Orangutans

- Cheetah

- Lion

-  Leopard

- Koala

- Sloth

- Panda

- Tiger

- Flamingo

- Lemur.

The name of my zoo is Paradise National Zoological Park.

Do you like maths?

Tuesday 11 August 2020

Awesome Armadillos.

 WALT: Identify the important facts in a text.                                                                                                      Today for reading we are reading a text about Armadillos, we needed to make a DLO about 5 facts we have learnt I can´t insert my slide show so here are some screenshots. 

What did you learn about Armadillos?

Friday 7 August 2020

Our plah doh Churchs.

WALT: Identify the parts of the Church.
Today for RE we are thinking about the parts of the Church. 
I was working with Kade and we made our Church out of play doh.
In our Church we wash our hands to do Reconcilliation here is a DLO. 

First on Monday we had to start planning and creating it took Kade and I a week to complete.
What do you do in you Church?

Wednesday 15 July 2020

Awesome acrostic poems

WALT: Do blog posts in the school holidays.
Today for my task I am doing an  acrostic poem on a poem.
Here is my image/task.
Have you ever done an acrostic poem?

Tuesday 7 July 2020

Vegetables I have never tried

WALT: Do blog postś during the school holidays.
My 5th task is writing down 10 vegetables that I have never had before I put

  1. Brussel sprouts
  2. Swedes
  3. Witloof
  4. Asparagus
  5. Bok Choy
  6. Daikon
  7. Eggplant 
  8. Horse radish
  9. Radish
  10. Tomatillo 
  11. Zucchini. 

What vegetables have you never tried? 

Awesome animal crossing

WALT: Do blog posts in the school holidays.
For my 4th task today I am crossing two animals.
I crossed a cheetah and a crocodie because the cheetah has power on the land and the crocodile has strength in the water.
Here is my slide about it.

What animals would you cross?
Why did you choose these animals?

Task 3 Day 2

WALT:For task 3 today I had to chose whether I would have fur as soft as a  Chinchilla or spikes like a Porcupine. Here is what I put I would like to have fur of a Chinchilla because I will be nice and warm in bed.
What would you rather have spikes like a Porcupine or as soft and fluffy as  a Chinchilla?

My blindfold challenge.

WALT: Do blog posts in the school holidays.
Today for my second challenge I was doing the blind food tasting.
I put my blindfold on and I was worried about what I was going to eat because it might be yuck.
Mum gave me my first item it was a dried up apricot I didn't like it.
The second item was mango I didn't like that either.
And the final was a gummy bear.
Overall I loved doing the challenge.
Have you ever done a blindfold challenge before?

Awesome animals.

WALT: Do a blog post in the school holidays.
Today for my first task I am writing down animals from A-Z you may not be able to see the picture so here is my answers.
Tasmanian Devil
X- Ray Tetra

Have you ever done something like this?

Monday 6 July 2020

My favourite animal.

WALT: Do blog post's in the school holiday's.
Today day 1 (not including the weekends)
Today I am doing a task about one of my favourite animals I chose the ring tailed Lemur.
Here is my slideshow to teach you about them.

What is your favourite animal?
Were does it come from?
What does it eat?

Thursday 2 July 2020

Wonderful writing.

WALT: Write a haiku following the correct structure.
Today in Romone we are doing haikuś.
A haiku has 3 lines.
The first line has 5 syllables the second line has 7 syllables and the third sentence has 5 syllables again.
A syllable is the sound of a word you can clap, click your fingers or just count on your fingers.
I did 5 but I am sharing 1 to you.
I did this because it is my favourite.
The giraffe is tall.
The hippo is very fat.
The lions runs fast.

Have you ever made a haiku?

Wednesday 1 July 2020

Things I appreciate

WALT: Explain gow the changes in the seasons is another sign of God´s love and presence.
Today for RE we are doing things we appreciate in nature. 
I did trees giving us oxygen and the bees pollinating the beaautiful flowers.
I got all of my images off google but put the bee on the flower using that gets rid of the background. 
Here is my DLO. 

What do you appreciate?

Tuesday 30 June 2020

Appreciating God's creations.

WAL That people can experience God's creations throughout seasons.
Today in Room ine we are doing DLO's or drawing about what we like about the seasons for winter I have put I like sitting inside in the warmth and having a hot chocolate with my family that is my picture for winter. 
For summer I like going to get a milkshake and cooling of  in the sea. 
For Spring I put when all the little baby's are born.
I put Autumn because all the leaves are falling off the trees and they are changing colours. 
My favourite season is WInter because I love it when I got to sleep with the rain tapping on the roof and it is my birthday. 
What is your favourite season and why?

Monday 29 June 2020

Cool tracing.

WALT: Trace using google drawing and using the right tools.
Today in Room one we are tracing images I chose to do a watermelon here is my attempt!

Have you ever traced an image?

If you haven't give it a go.

Friday 26 June 2020


WAL: A strandard  method of doing subtraction problem on paper when the numbers are too diffucuilt to subtract mentally.
Here is a picture of my work.
What is your favourite subject?

Thursday 25 June 2020

Reading questions.

WALT: Gather information and deduce information about  cahracthers.
For this task we are asking questions and then answering them.
Have you ever seen the series of Stormbreaker?

Reading mindmap

WALT: Gather information and deduce information about characthers.
Today I am doing a mind map of some of the characthers in the book.
Here is mine on Nadia Vole.

Have you ever seen the movie Stormbreaker?

My Narrative.

WALT: Write an engaging narrative.
Today I am posting my writing to my blog.
I wrote about me meeting the cast of Friends and travelling to America because I love watching Friends and it is my ultimate dream to meet the cast of Friends.
Here is my cover Jennah made it here is a linkk to her blog
The one where I met  them. 

It was a regular day at school we were doing Maths.  but my Mum picked me up she said come on there are some very special people at home, I thought it was just my Auntie or something but it was Jeniffer Aniston, Courteney Cox,  Lisa Kudrow, Matt Le Blanc, Matthew Perry and David Schwimmer I walked in further and I fainted. 

I woke up in a hospital bed and  the room was  as dark as the night sky. My Mum was there and  she said ‘ We are in an American hospital and Grandad, Kalem and Auntie are here . ‘I can't remember anything’ as soon as I said that my doctor walked in and said you are ready to go home now,  but first since you have flown your whole family here to the hospital you can meet the whole cast of Friends. Ok you can go now we take a couple steps out the Paparazzi bowls me over to the ground and I broke my left arm. I went back into the hospital and my doctor came into my room.

‘ I am going to miss my flight’ I said. It is a private jet, the doctor said but still we are going to be late I will just put your cast on then you can go. I got on the plane and got freshly squeezed orange juice in a crystal clear glass. Once we took off I got a piece of chocolate fudge brownie and it was as delicious as my Grandad's leg of lamb. When we arrived Ellen DeGeneres was there she said  come to the studio for a show. Then she said let's go meet Jeniffer Aniston, Courteney Cox,  Lisa Kudrow, Matt Le Blanc, Matthew Perry and David Schwimmer all my friends.  I went to meet them. They were the nicest people on Earth. But I had to go home  the next day so we got some pizza and watched Friends. The day I had to go home came so fast they dropped me off at the airport in the helicopter. Courteney said to me, message me your address and I will come and visit you and email you! 

What did I brake during my story?

Wednesday 24 June 2020


WALT: Recognise that people can experience Gods creations through there senses.
Today in Room one we are recognise things that we are Thankful for here is my DLO. What do you appreciate?

Friday 19 June 2020

Marvellous Maths!

All of my information is on this slideshow.

Friday 12 June 2020


WALTHAT : problems like 34+? = 51 and 51-34=? have the same answer.
Today in Room one   we are doing problem solving.
Here is my task.
Do you like Maths?

Friday 5 June 2020


WALT: Solve problems by equal additons that turn into a tidy number.
Now in Room one we are doing problem solving here is my question and answers.

Do you like Maths?

Wonderful Virtues.

WALT: Understand how to grow in Virtues of God.
Today in Room one we were doing virtues we think we are so here is my slide but beware it is not finished yet.
Are you Reliable?

Wednesday 3 June 2020


WALT: Gather information and deduce information about characthers.
Today we had to do a mind map about  Alex Rider here is my mind map.

Do you like reading?

Thursday 28 May 2020

Storm breaker summary.

WALT: Gather  information about and deduce information about characters.
Today I was doing a DLO about 4 chapters of my book Storm breaker here is my document

Alex feels like something not right about his Dads death because
 1.He always uses safety first and wears his seat belt but the police said he did not.
 2.When he was at his office he was searched for weapons.

Alex is worried what will happen to him.
 1.Alex has no money so he wont be able to buy anything.
2.Jackie the house keepers visa is about to run out.

 Ian Rider probably didn't work at the bank why not?
1.His office is always locked.
 2.He got shot and always travels

What is your favourite book?

Wednesday 27 May 2020


WALT: Gather information and deduce information about characters.
Today we needed to  read  book called Storm breaker here is one of the a activities.
What is your favourite book?

Tuesday 26 May 2020


WALT: Solve addition problems by first adding a tidy number and then subtracting a small number to compensate. First we needed to write it in our books then post it on our blogs.

 Do you like Maths?

Marvellous Mary.

WALT: Identify important fact about Mary.
For RE today we needed to make a DLO about facts about Mary here is mine.

Here is my attempt of drawing Mary.